The War on the War on Terror
Through my interest in politics, I have found myself in situations where I come face to face with voters, adults, and scholars that have very opposing views. At times, I’ve completely surrounded myself in their views, and I watched in awe. At first, appalled, and just disregarded their opinions as uneducated and full of anger. And then, I realized that I needed to get to know my opponents. Reading very biased articles, opinionated commentary, and slanted news coverage were some of the things that I indulged in. I came out of that experience feeling the same way I did when I walked in, only more informed. I want to share with you my view of the Left, and how they have become a serious problem, and fail to see it.On September 11th, we had a national tragedy. Three-thousand innocent Americans were killed by radical Islamists. At that moment in time, the world stood still and watched as New York fire fighters and volunteers attempted to save lives. News anchors like Dan Rather broke down in tears on air, as did Brit Hume and many, many Americans on that day. In the following weeks, we saw America at its best. We saw random individuals waving flags on top of overpasses. American stickers on every car, and flags posted and raised on every house. It was truly spectacular to see such patriotism. As the weeks went by, and the tough decisions were being made, we saw a gradual, yet very apparent shift in attitude. Bits and pieces of the left, some more radical than the others, opposed our actions to defend ourselves. We scratched our heads, and pressed on.
We find a threat in Iraq; a tyrannical government with dangerous connections with al-Qaida[1], and equally as dangerous ambition towards weapons of mass murder[2]. Knowing full well that the threat of terrorism is real, and has been untouched for many years, we take no chances in trusting such a government to remain in power. We propose the oust of Saddam Hussein on the basis of weapons of mass destruction, heinous human rights violations, defiance of UN resolutions, and undermining economic sanctions. And again, only in a much larger force, the left becomes outraged.
Again we scratch our heads, and wonder why the left just can’t make the connection. We try to help them by showing them the evidence that their leaders in the government viewed, and the evidence that was given to the UN by Collin Powell[3]. Still, they refuse to agree to our conclusion. As a nation, we are supposed to stand together for our countries values, but those times have come and gone. As this article unfolds, remember this saying, “Bad news for America, is good news for the Democrats, and good news for America, is bad news for the Democrats.” This will continue to be proven throughout this article.
The War on the War on Terrorism
As events unfolded, and the realization that two of the largest oceans on this planet no longer protected us, we decided that we could not allow such a fight that September 11 provoked to take place on our soil. The United States government came to the conclusion that to make sure we never suffer such atrocities like September 11th, we had to take the fight to the Terrorists.
Terrorism is an intricate web of hate, stealth, and deceit which covers this world in no particular pattern, but for sure, one concentrated area would be the Middle East. To the Left, Terrorism is a crime, and that the actions they make (Mogadishu, Khobar Tower, US Embassy bombings, WTC 93’)[4], deserve to be approached like any police response. This is a dangerous, short-sighted point of view, one that cannot be implemented in this government any longer. We decided to give the Terrorists hell where they lived, planned, and trained. While combating Saddam’s Iraq, we heard the never ending rhetoric of how we are bound to fail, that our cause was unjust, and indirectly demonstrating that the freedom of 25,374,691 Iraqi civilians wasn’t worth one soldier’s life in a “sovereign country”[5]. The Left were so talented that they even made up some bogus talking point that we left the capture of Osama Bin Laden to Afghan war lords, and that we diverted resources to Iraq from the hunt.[6]
In fact, we worked along side the Northern Alliance, once lead by Ahmad Shah Massoud – a sworn enemy of Osama Bin Laden for many years[7]. Even though the Northern Alliance was such a successful ally, the Left continued to serotype and call these soldiers “Afghan war lords.” Afghanistan was a miraculous success and the Left continue to deny that because it is counter to their agenda.
While we heard criticism in the aftermath of Afghanistan, we heard criticism before, after, and during the struggle to free Iraq.
Before. As the case was being presented to the United Nation’s Security Council, French foreign minister Dominique de Villepin badgered members of the Security Council in secret to persuade them not to join a US-led coalition against Iraq[8]. Official disagreement was centered within the condescension of Villepin, but it seemed that the US Senate had a different point of view. On October 11th, the U.S. Senate voted in Joint Resolution 114 with a 77 to 23 vote[9]. So, if people like John Kerry, John Edwards, and even Hillary Clinton can see a threat in Iraq, why do they fight our effort tooth and nail now? The Left has become the type of people that change their favorite football team mid-season. Some loyal fans would call them a “ship jumper” or something like that. The Left has jumped off America’s “ship” and back onto their own.
Now before the war, many Leftists presented the fact that the United States backed Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war, and we gave chemical weapons to Saddam to use. With is true, yet back when this took place, Saddam had not yet expressed his aggressiveness against the U.S. Another talking point was that this was Bush’s revenge for his Father’s attempted assassination; again, purely false, derived from the lefts residing hatred for the entire Bush family.
During. During the Iraq war, we saw the outrage of the Left in complete awe. “Shock and Awe” was indeed a jaw dropping display of American air superiority, and precision, yet when civilian casualties became apparent, the Left decided that this war was not worth it, too bloody, too costly, and we should pull out right away because we were never going to win. By the time President Bush announced “mission accomplished”, Iraqi hospitals were being repaired, rebuilt and rehabilitated. Same with clinics, schools, etc.[10] Yet, the liberal news media never showed you that bit of news. It was more important to have Democratic Analysts scorning Bush for giving troops false hope by saying “mission accomplished”.
During the operation, the Left continued to mock the justifications for going to war, and still held out hope that Saddam would prove the ignorant U.S. wrong. As the months passed, the Left screamed that there were no weapons of mass destruction, never was, and never could be. Unfortunately they were wrong again. Detailed documents found in Iraq pointed to a very potent operation regarding the Syrian border, Iraqi agents, and mysterious cargo[11]. Other documents pointed to nuclear planning[12]. How will the left react to this? They will call it bogus, proved wrong, and not enough evidence, when in fact the evidence in right in front of them.
It continues to boggle my mind how the Left could practically rejoice when American lives are lost. At the Political Crossfire Forums, we had a topic devoted to placing bets on how many lives would be lost in 2005[13]. Other topics paraded the attacks on our soldiers in a mess hall, calling this a prime example of why we were bound to fail in the first place. This has been the Left’s attitude throughout this war. They have ignored the good new completely, and have paraded the bad, and using that as their arguments. That phrase comes to mind, “Bad news for America is good news for the Democrats, and good news for America, is bad news for the Democrats.”
Now, it's one thing to find documents detailing the friendship of Saddam and al-Qaida, or intelligence showing Saddam transporting suspicious material through the Syrian boarder, or confirmed ties through the 9/11 Commission, but it's another to convince someone who just wont see the facts, like the few we see here on this board. Now most, will accuse the government of lying or stretching the truth, when in fact, they are the ones lying to themselves. And it is sad really, because the overwhelming evidence towards Iraq’s continued defiance and violations of UN Resolutions, Economic Sanctions, and human rights, just to name a few. So, if these people, the people that refuse to see past their nose when it comes to the truth, are going to accuse the government, even the CIA of lying to the American public, and to the many countries that are backing us, then my fellow conservatives, I will join you in shaking your head to them. They have continued to defend Saddam Hussein as if they were his own defense lawyer. They look at the Iraqi population with disgrace, and are completely stereotypical of them, immediately stating that they all hate America, and that they will become Terrorists due to that hate. Because of that Terrorism, they believe that the American troops will be over run, and more Americans will die. They can only hope, because, said simply, it gives them more blood to debate with. The more blood is spilt, whether it be the same Iraqis they immediately call Terrorists and hateful people, or their own countrymen, the more they can disagree with George here at home.
After. This hatred, this utter refusal to accept the Iraq war seemed to peek at it’s end. The Left screamed that no exit plan was constructed, and that Bush did not have a plan to win the peace. It seems they look at only information that helps their view, because the U.S. Government had a detailed plan for post-war success[14].
While the Left continued to attempt to prove Iraq was wrong, using theories or just plain false information, massive weapons caches were being found, chemical weapons and labs were uncovered[15]. It was an amazing shock, for such information to not be more attractive to the news media, but Abu Graib, or missing weapons in Iraq was more significant. Working with the media, the Left engaged in a massive campaign to prove that Iraq was not worth it. To prove that, every singe time American blood was split, they used it as another example, exactly like Michael Moore did with the mother that hated the President because a terrorist killed her son. These kinds of tactics prove that the Left love to have more blood to debate with. The more blood split, the stronger their case. The stronger their case, the more they can bash Bush. The more they bash Bush, the closer they think they get to the Presidency.
Does anyone see the pattern? A domino effect, through the war, through the hearts of Iraqis and Americans (of which are now working together to fight real Terrorism), which all leads back at home, just so they can bash Bush. And, what they don’t seem to see, is that they are maiming this country more so than ever before. They are calling this wonderful country, a terrorist state, even a fascist state with a fascist government. What they continue to fail to see is that that attitude is one of hate, negativity, and pure pessimisms degrade our people. This, ladies and gentlemen of the Right, is why they lost this election. The American people saw this hatred (of which started January, 2000), and the American people were appalled. How could a political party, be so drastic as to secretly put forth forged documents into the “un-bias” news media. How could a party be so extreme as to criticize Alberto Gonzalez immediately as anti-humanitarian or some such idiocy? How could a party be so cynical as to call the United States “stingy” in providing humanitarian relief, when it was the United State’s ships first to land in Southern Asia, when it was Collin Powell first to make the phone call to the President of Sri Lanka? It continue to baffle me folks.
Now, the war on the war on terror expands all the way back to the 1990’s with the Clinton Administration. As Clinton worried about his legacy, dodging impeachable actions, and making friends, he continued to ignore, slash, and cripple the United States defense, and armed forces. During the 2000 Presidential Campaign, then Governor Bush at a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) national convention, criticized the Clinton Administration of military neglect, and called the U.S. armed forced as “a military in decline.” Vice President Gore countered Bush’s statements by stating that the U.S. military is “the strongest and the best in the entire world.”
While those words are correct, it is not the point. The United States should not compare her military might to the might of other nations, but to the needs of national security. This is the clear mindset of the Left. They truly believe that we must have a balance of power. They feel that the United States as the lone superpower is not fair to the rest of the world. Some call it compassionate. I call of short-sighted.
Missile Defense. The Executive Summary, Report of the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States, published by Congress on July 15, 1998,[16] stated that there was most definitely a growing missile threat to the United States. Yet, Clinton showed no mandate to pursue missile defense. In fact, he dismantled Bush Sr.’s Global Protection Against Limited Strikes (GPALS). In a DOD News Briefing on May 13, 1993, Secretary of Defense Les Aspin announced a decision was made to cancel the missile defense program inherited from the Bush Administration. In a Bottom-Up Review of defense policy in 1993, the Clinton Administration, through FY 1995-99 drastically under funded the Nation Missile Defense (NMD) program. Following that review, Clinton complied with a recommendation to reduce the NMD program.
Clinton finally signed into law a mandate stating a NMD system would be deployed as soon as technologically possible. The next day Clinton stated that no decision on deployment had been made. This in itself contradicts the Congressional legislation. The contradiction continued. As development of the NMD system continued, it became apparent that these acts were in violation of Clinton’s wishes to keep the ABM Treaty. Clinton’s continued failure of judgment, leadership, and policy left the American people at risk with a trailing missile defense system.
The Military neglect expands beyond America’s borders. In 1994 Stanley Riveles (U.S. representative to the ABM Treaty) announced that the Clinton Administration refused Russian President Boris Yeltsin's proposals to work with Washington towards a Global Protection System[17]. In September of 1994, in a joint statement with Russia, Clinton voiced strongly in preserving the viability and integrity of the ABM Treaty. This ultimately terminated the NMD, and severed any cooperation with Russia towards a Global Protection System and the further development of NMD.
Clinton continued to neglect the real threat of ballistic missile attack, by downgrading every missile defense system in place, dismantling the GPALS, under funding the NMD programs, and halting the SDI. He vetoed an entire Department of Defense authorization bill, cut research and development funding, and circumvent the Constitution of the United States Senate in reviving the ABM Treaty.
In more ways than one, the Clinton Administration was the most damning entity to the United States, in a time of unrest, and a growing threat from hostile nations, and terror-sympathizing nations. His lack of judgment in regards to foreign policy set back the U.S. military years behind the threat that grew without opposition.
More to come.
1. 9/11 Commission Report: Chapter 2
2. Saddam’s Strategic Intent
3. Secretary of State Colin Powell Addresses the U.N. Security Council
4. Mogadishu, Khobar Towers, U.S. Embassy Bombings
5. Iraq not worth going to war
6. Operations still taking place
7. The Northern Alliance
8. Villepin's 'world-vision'
9. H.J.Res. 114
10. Clinic and schools open
11. Saddam agents on Syria border helped move banned materials
12. Iraq Survey Group
13. The 2005 American Body Count
14. Pre-war Planning for Post-war Iraq
15. Sarin, Mustard Gas Found, Chemical Lab Found, Weapon Stocks Found
16. Executive Summary
17. The September 26, 1997 ABM/TMD Agreements